Combined Balances are based on the previous 90-day average daily balance (or, for account(s) open less than 3 months, the average daily balance of the applicable time frame). The applicable Smartly Earning Bonus will be determined by reviewing the Combined Balances in the qualifying accounts of each Cardmember (if there is more than one) and using the total Combined Balances of the individual whose accounts have the highest total.
If a U.S. Bank Smartly Card account has an Authorized User(s), the U.S. Bank balances of the Authorized User(s) will not be reviewed and will not qualify for determining the Smartly Earning Bonus. The Smartly Earning Bonus that will be applied to your Account is determined within the first 5 days of each month, which means that the bonus applied to your Account may vary during a billing cycle.
See disclosure #1 below for more information on how we calculate combined qualifying balances.