A line of credit is a way to help build your business. A business line of credit allows for flexible borrowing and as needs arise, you can draw on a line of credit and pay interest only on the amount you borrow.
U.S. Bank offers easy access to financing up to $250,000 for small businesses, with a streamlined application process and personalized attention from bankers.
Our simple online application process makes it easy to receive quick decisions and fast funding.
Use U.S. Bank’s business online banking to easily make payments and manage your loans and line of credit.
U.S. Bank is proud to be a designated SBA Preferred Lender providing Small Business Administration (SBA) loans.
For generations, business owners have trusted U.S. Bank with their financial needs.
Our Business Diversity Lending Program provides funding to diverse businesses with modified credit requirements for potentially easier approvals and favorable rates. See if you qualify.
A line of credit is a way to help build your business. A business line of credit allows for flexible borrowing and as needs arise, you can draw on a line of credit and pay interest only on the amount you borrow.
Term loans and lines of credit are two different types of business financing:
Your repayment schedule and terms may vary.
A business line of credit works kind of like a credit card. A line of credit lets a business borrow up to a certain amount of money and will only charge interest on the amount of money borrowed. It’s unlike a traditional loan where you’d be given a lump sum of money that you’d pay back with interest in monthly payments.