Virtual Pay for Buyers (DESCRIPTION) Icons. (SPEECH) SPEAKER: Visibility, security, control -- that's what comes to mind when you think about the most important features in a payment process. (DESCRIPTION) US Bank in lower left. (SPEECH) We know issuing paper checks is rooted in the way you do business with suppliers, but are checks creating value? By replacing checks with U.S. Bank Virtual Pay, it can. Virtual Pay helps streamline your payment process to give you superior visibility into your payment details, enhanced security with built-in fraud protections, and greater control over cash flow. (DESCRIPTION) Icons of features. (SPEECH) Virtual Pay uses electronic, cardless account numbers to make secure automated payments. (DESCRIPTION) A long number. (SPEECH) A unique account number is used for each supplier payment, set for a specific amount, and given an expiration date. (DESCRIPTION) Hands shake. (SPEECH) The supplier receives an email with account details and processing instructions. (DESCRIPTION) Email icon. (SPEECH) Once the supplier charges the virtual account number, U.S. Bank automatically matches the payment and invoice detail. (DESCRIPTION) Invoice icon. (SPEECH) You receive a single reconciliation file with complete payment information. (DESCRIPTION) Document icon. (SPEECH) Virtual Pay replaces issuing paper checks with an automated payment process. (DESCRIPTION) Gears turn. (SPEECH) You can send payments in batch or generate account numbers and send payments on demand at any time. (DESCRIPTION) Request and send buttons. (SPEECH) By using Virtual Pay, you're creating value for your organization, value that gives you visibility into spend with simplified reconciliation reporting, value that nearly eliminates the risk of fraud through account controls, and value that gives you control over operating costs, enhances cash management, and creates rebate opportunities. Virtual Pay is simple to implement and easy to use. No need for additional software or time-intensive staff training. Request a call with one of our experts to see how Virtual Pay can be tailored to your organization. [MUSIC PLAYING] (DESCRIPTION) US Bank dot com slash Virtual Pay.